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Creating Change

We make youth voices count! 

We gather stories and real-time insights and use this for our advocacy with governments, international institutions (like the United Nations), 
and donors.

We advocate to:

  • Ensure that governments are aware of the direct and indirect effects of the virus and the response to the outbreak on young people’s SRHR

  • Ensure that adequate attention is given to young people’s SRHR during and post COVID-19

  • Ensure that the needs of young people, including LGBTI and young people living with HIV, are met and at the center of responses

  • Include young people in decision-making on SRHR in national and local COVID-19 policy spaces


We’ll be reaching out to national and international decision makers, developing policy recommendations, and launching calls to action on social media for young people around the world to get involved.

Keen to partner with us?